Social Link

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Month: September, 2012

The Iphone5, what is coming??

The iphone5 what is coming next?!?!? Check it out! What Vanity Fair says about this amazing new phone! #I need to have one!

Why Companies are switching to social media to increase business

Why companies are moving towards social media to help their business.

“Social media offers relationship-building opportunities that are virtually limitless and, for the most part, they’re free. Through the use of social media, your retail establishment, consulting firm, or service company has access to information, prospects and alliances worldwide. Your advertising opportunities can grow exponentially through the utilization of social media.”
To read complete article click link.



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Social Link Consulting is an amazing service to bring creative social media to your company needs. For more information please go to Website-




Social Link Consulting


Hello, Social Link Consulting just launched this month. We are very excited, Social Link Consulting is a Creative Social Media company that helps other companies maintain their Social Media. Keeping it looking fresh and up to date. Bringing your Social Media to life, in a creative, eye catching way. We focus not only on making sure your company looks amazing, but we also want to interact with your customers to help drive sales. Social Link is not just a company that posts products to a page, but rather a company that wants to bring branding to the next level. Instead of creating something impersonal, Social Link wants to get involved with your clients on a personal level to maintain awareness and curiosity. By focusing and taking the time to study your target market and their needs.

Social Link just launched their temporary website check it out!


If you are a company looking for Social Media help after clicking the link to the website, click on contact us and email us with your company name and what you are looking for.

Website Link: